I had dinner and relaxed, but this is still on my mind. Read
Jason Schechterle's story
here and tell me this doesn't upset you. This guy and his family have been through so much in the past few years it make's me sick to see this kind of exploitation. The sad fact is they could have just told
his story and sold as many or more copies of
their rag.
In the line of Duty:
Have you ever been so furious that tears came to your eyes?
It happened to both my wife and me yesterday.
Reading my e-mail, I received some terribly disturbing correspondence from Karen Schechterle, Jason Schechterle's mom.
You, of course, know Jason is the Phoenix officer horribly burned and disfigured when an epileptic
cab driver roared into Jason's cruiser a few years back, trapping Jason in a fiery inferno.
He's had dozens of anguishing operations to try to gradually restore---just about everything on his
upper body which sustained 3rd and, yes, even 4th degree burns.
I love Jason; he is----a beautiful human being who has shown more guts in the face of a thousand hells than ANYONE I've ever known.
I also love Jason's mom, Karen. She's right up there to me with the next group to be considered for sainthood.
So, when I got this e-mail from her, I had to fight back my tears of fury. Here's her e-mail:
"Jason just called to warn me about a tabloid publication. He'd been called by his best friend Bryan and then about a dozen other people. That wonderful photo of he and Suzie (Jason's wife) that won the AP photographer an award several years ago, when Jas first came out of hospital, is on the cover of a tabloid !!!!!!!!!!!! The story in this 'rag' is about The Ten UGLIEST People in the World. Think the paper is called Weekly World News or something like that.
I am so upset over this. He is handling it ok, but Suzie is very upset, too. I'm sure some of you will see this tabloid, it's the type of thing that is by checkout counters in grocery stores along with National Enquirer crap.
I've attached the photo they used..........and it's a photo I LOVE by the way. All of you saw it long ago but just to let you know what they used to show how 'ugly' Jason is.
I'm totally outraged over this."
Then, a bit later I received this e-mail from Karen:
"I talked to Suzie this morning. They haven't seen the tabloid themselves yet, but apparently Jason is the only LIVING person in the U.S. they featured in their Top Ten Ugly.
Others were out of the states or dead!!!!! Lepers, people with deforming diseases, there was a soldier from World War 2 with his face blown off.
I am most anxious to hear what the AP photographer says when he finds they used his award winning portrait of Jas and Suzie. He adores them for one thing, but he'll be livid for sure. I hope AP nails them somehow.
Thank you so much for the outpouring of tremendous support. Your emails lifted my spirit and gave me wings this morning for sure. And so many of you see that picture the same way I do..........Beautiful."
hugs bigtime,
Karen and family
And, finally, this e-mail:
"This "news" has raced thru Phoenix apparently...........the MAYOR even called Jason last night, as he's outraged too. Jason's lawyer in the Ford suit, who became good friends with he and Suzie, is all over this. I hope he nails them to the wall by their *^&(*%.
Jas told me he guessed he should expect things like this. NO, he should NOT. He's had only good things from reporters and news people, and has always been so admired and cared about. This isn't something you should expect to happen. He hasn't seen the article but those who have, said he's the only person disfigured by fire or accident. I assume the other 9 are just "ugly"??? It's cruel to all no matter what.
I can't believe how hard this has hit me for some reason. I thought I was able to handle things ok now, guess not. And poor Suzie, she was in tears, and they were just getting ready to go out to dinner for her birthday when they found out last night.!!!!!!!"
I responded to Karen as soon as I'd regained a modicum of my composure and asked her to try to find an e-mail address.
I knew in my heart every cop reading this would want to express their 'feelings' in their own words to this tabloid.
So, here it is. Go for it. I have never asked for our 'Blotter' regulars to do a thing.
Today, I'm asking.
Please let these bastards know ----we're fed up, and we're not going to take this anymore.
e-mail to: editor@weeklyworldnews.com
Ron Barber, President
In the Line of Duty
You can do something about it:
Send your e-mail referencing Photo of Jason and Suzie Schechterle to: editor@weeklyworldnews.com
This man
Survived this
And this is the award winning photo with he and his wife that was published naming him the sixth ugliest person in the world
But the real damage is to the rest of his family
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