Sunday, December 19, 2004

Telescopes 10 times as powerful

Telescopes 10 times as powerful | The Arizona Daily Star �: "They're big. They're expensive. And they're going to usher the world into astronomy's next age. Scientists in Tucson find themselves on opposite teams, racing to be the first to build one. Called Extremely Large Telescopes, or ELTs, the next generation of telescopes is on the horizon. ELTs will use mirrors between 60 and 90 feet across to be able to peer into the heavens at 10 times the seeing power of existing telescopes. Whereas backyard telescopes can reveal an impressively starry Orion Nebula, and the Hubble Space Telescope has been able to pick out newborn solar systems in that nebula, the next generation of telescopes will be able to pinpoint individual planets as they orbit within those solar systems."

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